What Should I Do Immediately After Being Arrested In California?

We Can Defend You for ALL Criminal Charges in California.
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At our California Criminal Defense Law Firm, we specialize in criminal defense, DWI cases, and other criminal charges. Our experienced team is dedicated to protecting your rights and providing you with the best legal representation possible.

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From helping you understand the charges against you to strategizing a defense plan, we will be with you every step of the way. We have extensive experience defending against a wide range of firearms crimes and can provide advice on how to ensure you don’t suffer further legal repercussions in the future.

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A good California criminal defense attorney can bring a wealth of knowledge, experience, and resources to your case. They will be able to evaluate the facts of your case and help you make informed decisions about how to proceed.

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At Lapine Law, our criminal defense attorneys have the experience and resources necessary to provide a comprehensive legal strategy for those accused of murder in California. We can help you build your defense case.

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We handle a wide range of criminal cases, including but not limited to assault, drug offenses, theft, and white-collar crimes. At our California Criminal Defense Law Firm, we specialize in criminal defense, DWI cases, and other criminal charges.

Protecting Your Rights and Fighting for Your Freedom. At our California Criminal Defense Law Firm, we specialize in criminal defense, DWI cases, and other criminal charges. Our experienced team is dedicated to protecting your rights and freedoms.

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What Should I Do If I'm Arrested In California?

If you are arrested for a criminal offense in the state of California, it is important to understand your rights and what steps you should take next. Knowing how to handle being arrested may help protect your legal rights and lessen the consequences of an arrest.

Know Your Rights:

First, it is important to be aware of your rights and the proper procedures for an arrest in California. You have the right to remain silent, and it is best not to speak with anyone other than your lawyer about your case. Additionally, you have the right to refuse a search of yourself or your property without a warrant, and you are only required by law to provide basic identifying information such as your name and address.

Contact Someone:

You also have the right to contact a lawyer or someone else to help you manage the situation. Ask to speak with a lawyer before answering any questions or signing any documents. Additionally, you can ask for an interpreter if there is one who speaks your language.

Follow the Arrest Protocol:

When you are arrested, the police will take you to a station and process your case. During processing, they are allowed to search you and may also take photographs or fingerprints. You should remain calm and polite throughout this process.

Posting Bail:

Once your case is processed, if bail is set you can post it with a bond or with cash. It is best to contact a bail bondsman or lawyer to help you post bail if it is an option for your situation.

Going to Court:

Once the arrest process is complete, you will typically be released from custody and informed of when and where to appear in court. Make sure to attend all court dates and follow any instructions from the court. It is important to have a lawyer present on your behalf, if possible, as they will be able to advise you on how best to proceed in court.

By understanding and following proper arrest procedures, you may be able to protect your rights and lessen the potential consequences of an arrest. Knowing what steps to take when arrested can help ensure that the process runs smoothly and that your legal rights are protected.

It is also important to remember that you should always seek the advice and counsel of a lawyer before making any decisions regarding a criminal case. A qualified attorney can provide valuable insight into the complexities of the law and help guide you through an arrest in California.

If you or someone you know has been arrested or is facing criminal charges in California, it is critical to seek an experienced attorney who can provide advice on your rights and help you through the legal process. Depending on the circumstances, a qualified lawyer may be able to negotiate a favorable outcome for your case. With the right guidance and support, you can take steps to protect your rights and work towards resolving a criminal charge.

By understanding the steps involved in an arrest, you can reduce stress and prepare for the legal process ahead of time. It is important to remember that laws governing arrests may vary between states and jurisdictions, so it is best to contact a qualified attorney if you have any questions or concerns about your rights as they relate to an arrest.

A lawyer can provide invaluable advice and guidance throughout the arrest process. Additionally, it is important to be familiar with your local county or city ordinances, as they may affect how an arrest is handled in your area. With careful preparation and the right legal representation, you can ensure that your rights are respected during an arrest.

Can I Be Charged With A Crime Even If I Didn't Commit It?

Under California criminal law, a person can still be charged with a crime even if they did not personally commit the act. This is known as accessory liability. For someone to be liable as an accessory, there must have been at least one principal who committed the crime. Accessories can be charged with different degrees of criminal liability, depending on their level of involvement in the commission of the crime.

For instance, an individual might be able to be charged as an accessory before or after the fact if they provided knowledge, assistance, or resources that helped a principal commit a crime. This could include providing financial support, helping to hide evidence of the crime, or being an accomplice in carrying out the criminal act.

In some cases, a person can also be held liable if they were part of a conspiracy to commit a crime but did not carry it out. The prosecution will need to prove that the accused had knowledge about the criminal act and willingly agreed to participate in it.

In California, the degree of criminal liability for an accessory can be anywhere from felony to misdemeanor. It can also depend on whether the accused had a direct role in the act itself and how much knowledge they had about what was going to happen. Those found guilty as an accessory will usually face less severe penalties than the principal but may still have to serve jail time.

It's important for anyone accused of being an accessory to a crime in California to understand the state laws and their level of criminal liability. An experienced criminal defense attorney can help analyze the facts of the case and provide legal guidance on how best to proceed.

Overall, accessories must be aware that they could still be held accountable for a crime, even though they did not personally commit it. Knowing the law and seeking experienced legal advice can help ensure that you have the best understanding of your rights and obligations should this situation arise.

Whether you are an accused principal or an accessory to a crime in California, it is essential to seek professional assistance from a qualified criminal defense attorney who understands the complex laws of the state. Do not wait until it is too late – seek legal advice as soon as possible to protect yourself and your rights.

No one should ever be charged or convicted of a crime they did not commit, and having an experienced attorney on your side can make all the difference in defending against a criminal charge. They will use their expertise to ensure that you have the best chance of having your case dismissed or minimizing any penalties you might face.

With proper legal guidance and representation, it is possible to mount a strong defense in a criminal trial. Taking the time to consult with an attorney can give you the peace of mind that your rights are being protected and that your best interests are being served. There is no reason to face criminal charges alone – an experienced and knowledgeable attorney can provide the support and counsel needed to fight your case.

Don't let a criminal charge ruin your life. Get help from an experienced attorney right away to defend your rights in court and ensure that you get the best outcome possible.

Accessories to a crime can face serious legal consequences, but with the right attorney on their side, they may be able to reduce or even avoid those penalties. Take the time to seek out an experienced criminal defense attorney who understands California law and your rights under it – it could make all the difference in the outcome of your case.

Although being charged as an accessory for a crime can be scary and intimidating, don’t lose hope. With adequate legal guidance, you may avoid facing the penalties associated with being found guilty of a crime you didn’t commit. Don't let yourself get lost in the shuffle – take the time to find an experienced attorney who has your best interests in mind.

What Are The Consequences Of A Criminal Conviction Beyond Fines And Jail Time?

In addition to the obvious fines and jail time, a criminal conviction in California can also have more hidden consequences that you may not be aware of. These collateral consequences are different for each person depending on their situation but can include things like loss of employment opportunities or eligibility for certain types of loans, voting rights, immigration status, and professional licenses.

For example, if you are convicted of a crime such as driving under the influence (DUI) or drug possession, you may be denied certain job opportunities due to employers’ concern about your criminal record.

Additionally, governments in California have passed measures that limit employment opportunities for those with a criminal record. If you are convicted of a felony or misdemeanor, you may also temporarily lose the right to vote in California.

In addition, certain crimes can affect your immigration status. If you are a non-citizen, a criminal conviction can lead to deportation or denial of entry into the United States due to prior convictions or other factors.

Finally, those convicted of certain types of crime may not be eligible for certain professional licenses or certifications. This means that they may not be able to practice certain types of professions, such as law or medicine.

It is important to understand the potential hidden consequences of a criminal conviction in California. Keeping informed can help you make decisions about your future and ensure that you are protected from any unexpected outcomes.

It is always advisable to speak with an experienced criminal defense attorney who can provide you with more information about the potential consequences of a criminal conviction in your state. By understanding the risks, you can make an informed decision that is right for your situation.

In addition to potential legal and professional consequences, a criminal record may also affect personal relationships and reputation. Those convicted of a crime may find it difficult to build and maintain relationships due to a tarnished reputation or fear that their past will affect their future. It is important to consider this when making decisions about how you wish to move forward in life after a criminal conviction.

The consequences of a criminal conviction can be severe and long-lasting, so it is important to understand the potential outcomes before entering a plea agreement or going to trial. An experienced criminal defense attorney can provide you with the information and advice necessary to make an informed decision about your case.

By taking steps to understand the potential consequences of a criminal conviction in California, you can protect yourself from any unexpected outcomes and ensure that you are making the best decision for your future.

Remember, even if it seems like a criminal conviction is the only option, there are often alternative options that can be explored. A knowledgeable attorney can provide you with information about your legal options and help you find the best possible solution for your situation. Taking the time to understand all your options can help you make the right decision for your future.

Whether a criminal conviction in California is the right choice for you or not, it's important to be aware of all the potential consequences. Knowing what could happen in advance will help ensure that you are making an informed decision and have a plan in place if any unexpected outcomes arise. With the help of an experienced criminal defense attorney, you can make educated decisions about your future and protect yourself from any unwanted surprises.

By being informed about the potential consequences of a criminal conviction in California, you can make sure that your rights are protected and that you are making the best decisions for your future. Don't let a criminal conviction take away your chances of success - be smart and stay informed!

Collateral Consequences Resource Center (CCRC) is an excellent resource for those looking to learn more about the potential consequences of a criminal conviction in California. CCRC provides comprehensive information and resources on how to protect yourself against unexpected outcomes and access available options. It is an invaluable source of knowledge that can help you make informed decisions about your future.

How Does The Criminal Justice Process Work In California, From Arrest To Trial?

In California, the criminal justice system begins with anarrest. This can be done through a warrant issued by a judge or magistrate, orby a law enforcement officer witnessing the commission of a crime.

Once arrested, the individual will be taken to either apolice station or county jail and booked. During booking, personal informationsuch as name and address is recorded along with photographs and fingerprints.

From there, the individual is arraigned in court. Thearraignment is essentially a formal reading of the charges against thedefendant in which they must enter a plea of guilty or not guilty. Depending onthe crime and circumstances, bail may be set at this point, allowing for theirrelease from custody until their trial date.

If a plea of not guilty is entered, then the process moveson to the pre-trial phase. This includes motions filed by both the prosecutionand defense which may challenge evidence or limit how it can be used in court.The defense may also file a writ of habeas corpus, challenging the legality oftheir detention and/or arrest.

Once all motions have been heard and ruled upon, the trialbegins. At this stage, both sides will present their evidence and witnesses toargue their case. The jury determines if there is enough evidence for a guiltyverdict or not. If found guilty, the sentencing phase is next. The judgeconsiders the severity of the crime along with mitigating factors beforehanding down a sentence which may include incarceration, fines, and/orprobation.

Finally, the defendant may appeal their conviction orsentence if they feel it was either unjust or too severe. The appellate courtreviews the trial transcripts and evidence to determine if any legal mistakeswere made in the proceedings that could lead to a reversal of conviction ormodification of sentence.

The criminal justice process in California is a complicatedsystem that can be difficult to navigate. It is important for individualsfacing criminal charges to understand their rights and the steps involved toensure a fair trial. By working with an experienced attorney, they can betterprotect their interests throughout the process.

At times, individuals may be able to take advantage ofalternative sentencing options such as drug court or community service programswhich provide an alternative to incarceration. A skilled attorney can helpassess the individual's options and work to ensure they receive the bestoutcome possible.

For those that have already been convicted, there arepost-conviction relief options available such as pardons, expungements, andrehabilitation hearings. These processes vary based on the jurisdiction but maybe beneficial in restoring rights or removing criminal records. Again, anexperienced attorney can provide the best counsel on these matters.

In any case, a thorough understanding of the criminaljustice process in California is essential to protecting one's rights andnavigating it successfully. Whether facing charges or looking to restore rightsafter a conviction, consulting with a knowledgeable lawyer is always advised.

The resources provided by your local public defender'soffice and court system can also be of great help in understanding your rightsand the process, so it is important to take advantage of them. By doing so, youensure that your case is handled in a manner that respects your legal rightsand provides for a just outcome.

The criminal justice process in California can be complexbut with the right guidance and understanding, individuals can protect theirrights and receive fair treatment throughout the proceedings. This is why it isso important to be informed of the process, seek legal counsel when necessary,and take advantage of any resources available.

The laws governing criminal justice are constantly changingand evolving, so it's important to stay up to date with them to ensure you knowyour rights in any case. By staying informed and consulting with an experiencedattorney, you can ensure that your rights are protected and that the process isfollowed properly.

No matter what stage of the criminal justice process you mayfind yourself in, it is always wise to consult with a knowledgeable attorneywho understands the California system and will fight for your rights every stepof the way. With the right guidance and support, you can ensure a fair trialand the best possible outcome for your case.

It is also important to remember that the criminal justiceprocess in California is designed with fairness in mind and everyone hascertain rights regardless of their case or situation. You have the right to anattorney, to remain silent, and to be treated with respect throughout theproceedings. Knowing and asserting these rights can make a major difference insuring a just outcome.

What Are The Rights Of Defendants In California, And How Can They Be Protected?

As a defendant in the state of California, you have certain rights that must be respected and protected. These rights are outlined by the U.S. Constitution, which serves to protect individuals from unreasonable search and seizure, as well as other abuses committed by law enforcement. Additionally, they are provided for in various criminal codes and statutes, such as the California Penal Code.

Your Rights Under the U.S. Constitution:

The U.S. Constitution is a living document that has been amended over time to provide more rights to citizens of all kinds. As a defendant in California, you have certain constitutional protections, including:

• The right against unreasonable search and seizure

• The right to remain silent

• The right to an attorney

• The right to a speedy trial

• The right not to be subjected to double jeopardy

• Protection from excessive fines or cruel and unusual punishment.

Your Rights Under California Law:

The U.S. Constitution is not the only legal document that provides rights to defendants in California. The state has its criminal statutes and codes which further protect the rights of those accused of a crime. These rights include:

• The right to be advised of your Miranda Rights upon arrest

• The right to bail or be released on your recognizance

• The right to a speedy trial

• The right to confront witnesses against you

• The right to a jury trial

• The right not to be compelled to testify against yourself.

How to Protect Your Rights as a Defendant in California:

The most important thing you can do as a defendant in California is to understand your rights and take steps to protect them. This means doing everything in your power to ensure that those rights are respected and upheld. Here are a few tips on how to protect yourself:

• Familiarize yourself with the law and stay up to date on any changes or updates

• Contact an attorney as soon as possible so they can help you understand your rights

• Be aware of all court proceedings, and make sure to follow all court orders

• Understand your Miranda Rights and know when it’s appropriate to invoke them

• Don’t speak with law enforcement without an attorney present.

By understanding your rights as a defendant in California, you can be better prepared for the legal process and ensure that they are respected throughout. Remember, it’s always a good idea to contact an experienced attorney who can help you navigate the legal system and protect your rights.

Defendants in California need to be aware of their rights, as well as how best to protect them. By understanding the U.S. Constitution, state laws and statutes, and taking steps like consulting an experienced attorney, defendants can ensure that their rights are respected throughout the legal process.

This is especially important since failing to protect your rights could have serious implications for your case. It’s essential to understand the law and take all necessary steps to ensure that your rights are protected. Doing so will give you the best chance of success in your criminal matter.

By taking the time to educate yourself and contact an experienced criminal defense attorney, you will be better equipped to navigate the legal system. With their help, you can protect your rights and get the best possible outcome for your case.

What Factors Should I Consider When Choosing A Criminal Defense Attorney In California?

When it comes to choosing a criminal defense attorney in the state of California, there are several key factors to consider. It is important to find someone with extensive knowledge and experience in criminal law, as well as familiarity with the local court system.

Additionally, it is wise to look for an attorney who is certified by the State Bar of California, as this indicates their level of legal education and training. Furthermore, it is beneficial to find a lawyer who has a strong reputation in the state as well as an understanding of the various laws governing criminal cases.

When searching for a criminal defense attorney, it is also important to look for one who is passionate about protecting the rights of their clients. A knowledgeable and experienced lawyer will be able to provide reliable advice and guidance to ensure the best outcome for their client's case.

It is also important to consider the attorney's fees when looking for a lawyer. While obtaining legal representation can be costly, it is essential to find an attorney who will work within your budget and provide quality services at a reasonable rate.

Finally, it is beneficial to search for a lawyer who can provide comprehensive legal services and ensure that your case is handled properly. An experienced attorney will be able to make sure you get the most favorable outcome in your criminal proceedings.

When choosing a criminal defense attorney in California, it is important to remember these key factors so that you can select an attorney who will be able to provide the best legal representation.

Additionally, it is important to conduct research and speak with other individuals who have used a particular attorney to gain an understanding of their experience with them. By taking all of these factors into consideration, you can ensure that your criminal defense case is handled properly and that you receive the best possible outcome.

By keeping these key factors in mind, you can make an educated decision when it comes to choosing a criminal defense attorney in California. Additionally, finding a lawyer who is experienced and knowledgeable in criminal law can be beneficial for ensuring that your rights are protected and that your case is handled efficiently.

Having an experienced and knowledgeable lawyer on your side can make all the difference when it comes to your criminal defense case. By taking the time to find an attorney who understands the laws and has a strong reputation in California, you can ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive the best possible outcome. With this knowledge, you can be confident that your case will be handled properly and efficiently.

If you or someone you know is facing criminal charges in California, it is important to take the time to find an experienced and knowledgeable lawyer who can provide the best possible legal representation.

By doing your research and considering factors such as their experience, knowledge of the law, reputation, and fees, you can find a criminal defense attorney who will be able to effectively represent you and ensure that your rights are protected.

By keeping the above factors in mind, you can be confident that you or your loved one will receive the best possible legal representation when facing criminal charges in California. With a knowledgeable and experienced lawyer on your side, you can ensure that the outcome of your case is favorable and that your rights are protected.

Unsure about where to start looking for an attorney? Many websites offer reviews from previous clients, as well as rankings based on location and experience. Additionally, it can be beneficial to speak with lawyers that you know who specialize in criminal defense. By utilizing these resources, you can find an experienced and knowledgeable criminal defense attorney in California to represent your case.

How Can A Criminal Defense Attorney Challenge Evidence In A Case?

In California, criminal defense attorneys have the right to challenge evidence presented in a case. This right is referred to as an “evidentiary challenge” and can be used to question the reliability of physical or testimonial evidence that has been admitted into court.

For example, if the defendant’s attorney believes that a witness who has testified has given false or misleading information, they can challenge the admissibility of that witness’s testimony. If evidence was obtained through an illegal search and seizure, the defense attorney can argue that it should be excluded from consideration in court.

The purpose of an evidentiary challenge is to ensure that the jury considers only valid evidence when deciding on a guilty or not guilty verdict. It also allows the defense attorney to present evidence or arguments that support their client’s innocence.

California has several specific laws that govern how these evidentiary challenges can be used in court. For example, the California Evidence Code outlines rules for the admissibility of certain types of evidence, such as scientific tests or expert testimony. It also outlines procedures for challenging the admissibility of evidence based on its relevance or reliability.

Criminal defense attorneys in California must be familiar with these laws and use them to their advantage when making an evidentiary challenge. An experienced criminal defense attorney can make a strong argument for why certain types of evidence should not be considered by the jury and increase the chances of a not-guilty verdict.

Criminal defense attorneys need to understand how to challenge evidence in California courts. Knowing how and when to make an effective evidentiary challenge can be critical for obtaining a favorable outcome in court.

With research, preparation, and skillful argumentation, criminal defense attorneys in California can successfully argue for the exclusion of certain types of evidence and ultimately be successful in their defense.

Ultimately, challenging evidence is one of the most important tools available to criminal defense attorneys. By understanding the laws governing evidentiary challenges in California courts, criminal defense attorneys can ensure that only valid and reliable evidence is presented to the jury. This can give their client a greater chance of success in court and achieve a more favorable outcome.

These are the important points to consider when it comes to evidentiary challenges in California courts. With this knowledge, criminal defense attorneys can be better prepared to argue their clients’ cases and ensure that only valid evidence is presented to the jury.

It is also important for criminal defense attorneys to understand the other rules and regulations governing trials in California so that they can properly present their clients’ cases in court. With careful research and legal knowledge, criminal defense attorneys can ensure that their clients have the best chance of success in court.

By making sure they are familiar with laws governing evidentiary challenges as well as other regulations regarding trials in California courts, criminal defense attorneys can increase the chances of success in their client’s case. With the right preparation and skillful argumentation, criminal defense attorneys in California can make a strong legal argument for why certain evidence should not be taken into consideration during a trial.

Can I Clear My Criminal Record In California, And How Does Expungement Work?

A criminal record can be a significant barrier to obtaining lawful employment, housing, and other opportunities. In recognition of this fact, California law provides for individuals with criminal records to seek relief through expungement. Expungement in California is the process by which certain criminal convictions are “set aside” and can be treated as if they never happened.

The eligibility for expungement in California is determined by the specific type of offense committed, including whether it was a felony or misdemeanor. Generally, an individual qualifies for expungement if all the following conditions are met:

• The conviction has been used to sentence the offender to county jail or probation

• The offender has completed his or her sentence, including any jail time or probation

• The offender has not been convicted of another offense since the conviction for which expungement is sought

• It has been at least two years since the completion of the sentence imposed by a court

• The individual is not currently serving a sentence for any other offense.

In addition to the above criteria, individuals seeking expungement in California must also meet certain requirements specific to the conviction for which they are seeking relief. For example, felony convictions that involve a violent crime or sex offense may not be eligible for expungement and will remain on an individual's record indefinitely.

If an individual is eligible for expungement under California law, the process for obtaining relief is relatively simple. The individual must complete an official petition to set aside the conviction and file it with the court in which they were originally sentenced.

The judge will then review the petition and either grant or deny the expungement request based on its merits. If granted, all traces of the original criminal conviction are removed from the individual's record.

Ultimately, expungement in California can be a valuable tool for those with criminal records to clear their name, improve their opportunity for gainful employment, and generally move on with their lives.

However, it is important to note that not all convictions are eligible for expungement; if you need assistance determining your eligibility for relief, it is recommended that you consult with a qualified criminal defense attorney who can guide the available options.

It's important to remember that the consequences of a criminal record are far-reaching and can follow an individual throughout their life. With expungement, however, individuals may be able to obtain a fresh start and take control of their future.

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He's represented several people I know personally

Attorney Lapine is the best! He's represented several people I know personally and got them the best deal possible on their case.

Yolanda henriquez

He found information that had been overlooked by other lawyers!

I am very grateful for Mr. Lapine.  He showed caring and allowed me the best outcome for my case (not guilty!!)  He found information that had been overlooked by other lawyers I had before him and did an amazing job in court.   He always kept me informed and his insight was invaluable.  For Mr. Lapine it was not just a job.   He understood the emotions I had throughout the course of the process and helped me through it.  He always had my best interest at hand.  From opening statements to closing statements, he did an amazing job.  100% recommend.

Cornelius Jones

He follows through on his commitments

Andrei Lapine is assertive, responsive, and outstanding. He is an affordable attorney, and I have hired him to seal and destroy my DOJ records. He follows through on his commitments and takes care of all your needs. I highly recommend him to anyone looking for an attorney that will fight for you. -Vanessa L

Cindy Hernandez

He is a true master of his craft

100% satisfied with the services received by Mr Andre Lapine. Throughout our time working together Andre kept me informed before and after each court appearance, returned all of my calls, expressed empathy, and encouragement. And above all else, Andre accomplished more favorable of a result than he had originally claimed he would. He is a  true master of his craft and should the need arise, I look forward to working with Andre in the future THANK YOU ANDRE!

Josh Diaz

Winning case thank you again for your service

I would like to congratulate and appreciate Andrei Lapine as a lawyer and for helping me in a case for a family relative on a 3rd strike and domestic violence charges he was able to take care of it just as he said he would I know I made the best decision to hire him for a lawyer he can guarantee you of doing his best in providing you with his services and a winning case thank you again for your service.


He will fight for you!

Words cannot explain what Mr. Lapine did for me when it came to an incident that I was involved in. He helped me tremendously! Not only did he prevent me from going to jail or doing any kind of community service my case was basically dismissed. He's reliable, affordable, professional, assertive and has a good heart. He will fight for you! All I can say is thank you! If you ever need a good attorney Mr. Lapine is your guy!

Erica Simpson

My experience with Mr. Lapine will forever be grateful and memorable.

Andre Lapine is an amazing attorney. I am very grateful for all the help I received from him.  He gave me the best deal. Andre goes out of his way to help and is always available and responds immediately to any questions or concerns I have. He is great to work with very kind helpful and he handled my whole ordeal very smoothly. He goes beyond his duties to resolve my case. My experience with Mr. Lapine will forever be grateful and memorable. Mr. Lapine is 10 out of 10. If you need a great attorney I would hundred percent recommend Andre Lapine.

Bonnie Km

He’s extremely kind and understanding

Andrei Lapine was extremely affordable and went beyond what was needed to make sure I was taken care of with my case. He’s extremely kind and understanding and patient as well. If you ever need help with any criminal cases, Andrei is the person to call!

Abby Cahill

My previous lawyer told me there was no way my case would be dismissed

I will say this was my best experience I have had with a lawyer. I had hired a different lawyer originally for my case and after paying her and the first court appearance I could tell my best interests were not at hand and felt like I was being taken advantage of. I contacted Andre explaining how I felt and asked his advice. The previous lawyer told me there was no way my case would be dismissed and I should take the first deal which was horrible. Andre advised me of what his plan would be and that he believed he could get a much better deal or even a dismissal. From the start he made me feel like he actually cared about how this case affected my life and that he would try his best to get the best outcome for me. I never once felt taken advantage of or had to be wondering what was happening with my case. The result was that my case was dismissed!!! It was worth every penny to hire him as a second lawyer and would highly recommend him to any that is looking for someone they can trust will have their best interest at hand. Thanks again, Andre!

Ben Bielasz

About our law firm

Andrei Lapine has handled cases ranging from DUI to drug charges, assault and battery to murder, bribery, fraud and more. With a strong record of success in court, Andrei is a proven advocate for his clients' rights.

No matter the charge, Andrei provides clients with the strong, personalized representation and attention they need to achieve the best possible outcome. He will work tirelessly to investigate each client's unique case and build a strong defense strategy that takes into account their individual needs.

Andrei is available for all types of criminal legal matters including pre-arrest investigation, bail hearings, plea negotiations, trial preparation and appeals. He also provides counsel for victims of crime who have been wrongfully accused or falsely charged.

Contact us

The fastest way to reach us is by calling us at (951) 240-0030.

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